
hi, my name is jade. i'm a software developer, web designer, music nerd, and student. i'm currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science at west virginia university. my degree focus area is in software engineering and project management. in my personal projects, i am focusing on web development.

in my free time, i dj at my college radio station, wwvu-fm. i have also worked at the station as the summer manager, assistant music director, librarian, and as director of the electronic show. i've worked on a React app designed to aid the station in transitioning to a fully digital rotation platform. there is more info on this project in the 'portfolio' section of this site.

i currently intern part time at a small, local software company. i am always open to taking on new projects and exploring opportunities.

let's work together.

This website is a project intended to achieve two main goals: create an online professional presence which is unique to myself, and to introduce myself to critical design techniques. My website, its design, hosting, and content are ongoing projects which I will continuously update and improve.



RegRotator is a React CRUD app designed to assist my college radio station in transitioning from a primarily handwritten process of managing it's current and historical music library. RegRotator gives the user access to a database of artists/albums/songs, which they can add to. With this data, they select categories of radio 'playability' of albums, and manage what albums are currently in rotation. The app stores and retrieves data from a remote MySQL server.

React.js MySQL

Airport TrackApp

Airport TrackApp was a small, educational project which I created during my internship while in the process of learning to use Angular.js and Cesium. It gives users the ability to browse through all large/medium U.S. airports, view the airports on a map via Cesium, and browse through all live flights (within a specified time frame) going to/from any of those airports. Flight data was retrieved from the OpenSky API.

Cesium.js Angular.js

montesano.dev - october 2019